Thursday, November 03, 2022
ST NICHOLAS ORTHODOX CHURCH - SPECIAL PARISH MEETING ON SUNDAY, NOV. 13TH! This session will be conducted following the Divine Liturgy (at approximately 11:15-11:30 A.M.). The purpose of this meeting is to discuss several maintenance projects in progress at our church to include addressing the paint chips issue in the nave of the parish, the church hall flooding issue, and other important maintenance projects. All parishioners should attend this session if you are able. Thank You! Thomas Pingor, Council President
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Fr. R. Michael Zak will conduct a memorial service (Panachida) at the Cemetery Grotto for Veteran's Day on Friday, November 11th, at 10:00 am. Please come to the cemetery for the service and pay your respects to our Veterans. Memorial Day 2022 Thank you! Thomas Pingor, Council Preseident
Father R. Michael Zak conducted a Panachida service for our departed Veterans on Memorial Day, Monday, May 30, 2022 at 10:00 A.M. at the Saint Nicholas Cemetery in West Mifflin. Thank you to our parishioners who attended and paid their respects to our deceased St. Nicholas Veterans and our Color Guard. Father Michael also bless individual grave sites for the departed family members, as requested, by parishioners
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
SUPPORT CAMP NAZARETH BY PURCHASING THE NEWEST EDITION OF THE PANIS’ COOKBOOK IN OUR BOOK STORE, DOWNSTAIRS! This version of the cookbook, based on the original one of Panis preserving our time-tested recipes for future generations, is filled with new recipes of our esteemed “Mothers of the Parish” and say… "From the Kitchen of" and, have an asterisk in the content for the section and in the index. There is also a new section called Modify Recipes which
Monday, April 11, 2022
BECOME A PATRON ($10) OR BOOSTER ($5) FOR THE NATIONAL ACRY BOWLING TOURNAMENT COMMEMORATIVE! The Tournament will take place May 27-30. Michele Tomko will receive your gift
We Could Not Have Done it Without You!
FAMILY DAY AT CAMP NAZARETH ON SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 2024! Our Annual Family Day will take place on Sunday, June 2, 2024. This is the “Kick-off’ to our summer season at Camp. Faithful from around the Diocese are invited to attend the day’s festivities which will begin with a beautiful Divine Liturgy at 10 am, followed by a delicious brunch, live music and all kinds of games and activities for kids and adults alike! Adults $10, Children under 13 are $6, and Children under 5 are free
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Online Chapel
12th Sunday of Luke
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
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