For Your Consideration...
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! All parishioners are respectfully requested to look for opportunities to help keep our church beautiful-looking and well maintained. It is everyone’s responsibility to make an effort to support our parish with your time, talents, and treasures. As our number of faithful members decline, we need everyone to contribute, not only on Sunday, but throughout the week and throughout the months to ensure that we have a clean and functional environment for our fellow parishioners to worship and socialize. There are always cleaning projects and other tasks to perform. Please speak with any church officer if you do not know where to start or what needs to be done or what you can do to help. There are plenty of opportunities to help. Thank you… Tom, Parish Council President.
"No Job Too Big, No Child Too Small!
There's Work to do for One and All"
Online Chapel
12th Sunday of Luke
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
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